Early start this morning as Angie had organised for us to appear on ´Cafe caliente´, a breakfast show like GMTV in Honduras! Very very excited, and a little bit nervous about appearing live for 20 minutes, but the presenter guy was so nice, and I think Emily, our translator was the most nervous! At about 8.50am we all piled on the sofa with Marisol and Emily and chatted about our work here, about the Guias de Honduras, and whether we liked the food (because we just LOVE refired beans!) It was another true GOLD experience, and one we will never forget. Emma and Nic will be picking up the DVD when they´re back in Tegucigalpa next week, so everyone at home can witness our moment of glory.
Later we had a tour of the museums of Tegucigalpa (where Nic asked whether a video of some Mayan people playing football was a remake), visited an NGO that also works with children, before a quick turnaround in our hotel and another journey back to the Children´s Home. On the journey there, Hannah met her hilarious Honduran banana man again who had been blowing her kisses before, and he declared more love for her in the heaving traffic jams of Tegucigalpa.
The girls did some amazing dances for us, and it was all going wonderfully until they asked us to dance for them. With no Spice Girls music to back us up, we jumped into the centre of the room and danced like no-one was watching, and oh yes, the sweat started pouring. The girls looked a bit bemused as to just how rubbish we were, so much so that the proceeded to turn the lights off!
Forget army barracks and last minute workshop changes, the most difficult part of this project was last minute dance routine choreographing. Still, the girls laughed a lot and eventually saved us the embarassment by teaching us some of their moves (with minimal success.) Afterwards there was a lot more photo taking, hugs and goodbyes, and we were really sad to leave one of our favourite groups of girls that we have been privileged to work with here in Honduras.
We said our farewells and piled in the bus again, but not before Nic realised that someone had managed to delete ALL 3 WEEK´S worth of GOLD photos on her camera. Noooooo :(