Thursday, 5 August 2010

Day 18 - last workshop! : (

Yesterday we went back to the Children´s home in Tegucigalpa to deliver our last ever workshop to some more girls there. After a bit of a misunderstanding with timings, and Oogo getting a bit cross for having to wait around for ages, we arrived an hour and a half late for the workshop, but still raring to go! There were 25 10-13 year olds who we ran our girl-aimed workshop for, doing games and activities on self esteem, what it would be like to have a baby, STI´s and introduced the use of condoms to them. The girls were absolutely amazing, again so responsive and so keen to get our autographs at the end. It was really lovely at the end too when some of the girls from yesterday´s workshop gave us letters, cards, photos and bracelets filled with thanks for the fun they had in their workshop.
The home was a really wonderful place to finish our last workshop, the girls are incredible and we have all had a really special experience there. We are sad to have pinned up baby related activities on a washing line; stuck ´STI´stickers on each other; whispered rude words in the ears of girls and watch their faces light up in mild horror, and blown up condoms in front of lots of giggling girls for the last time, but we will never forget the fun we have had during our workshops.
In the evening we had the amazing opportunity to go to Angie´s (one of our translators in Copan) house for a party! It was so so nice to see her and her cousins again, and we had a delicious home cooked meal and the most impressive birthday cake ever! We were all extremely sad to say goodbye, but hope that the centenary necker we gave Angie will remind her of the 5 years of the GOLD project here.

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